29 March 2013

Ski Touring in the Himalayas

The shock is almost as pressing on the mind as on the body.  Travelling from the tropics of the Andamen Islands into the mountainous regions of Himalayan India is a change worthy of planetary distances.  The change certainly took its toll on my health:  I immediately came down with a cold and a rogue sand fly bite on my ankle got so badly infected that I couldn't walk.  

Alas all that mended and I was right as rain (if not a little cold) for a ski touring exped I had organised.  When organising such trip it always comes down to a roll of the die if you end up with a good group, of people that get along, of the right fitness and skill level.  I rolled a six!  Our group consisted of the Swiss/French guide and owner of the company, a Quebecoise (spl?) and myself.  Two cooks made up the base camp staff and looked after all our affairs leaving us free to only contemplate the mountains.  I've never taken part in a 5* all inclusive camping trip - but I bet it doesn't get any better than this... one day there was a steaming hot pizza waiting for us as we descended the last slope into camp.

Before I start digressing too much, the mountains were free of any tracks, of any people and we had it to ourselves for the four day expedition.  We reached our maximum altitude of 4300m on the third day.  Absolutely amazing!

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